CPD Courses

Continue your professional training with the NCTJ’s Journalism Skills Academy. Choose from a range of courses covering different topics in different formats including virtual training and e-learning.
Course schedule Bespoke training enquiry

Artificial Intelligence Skills

Learn essential skills and gain up-to-date knowledge about artificial intelligence (AI), including how AI can support journalists and how it is being used across the media industry.

Engagement Skills

Courses to help you understand audiences and extend your reach with training including analytics, SEO and more.

Essential Skills

Refresh your knowledge in the foundation skills of journalism including media law, editing, interviewing and more.

Leadership Skills

Courses to develop editorial managers including communication, change management, confidence-building and more.

Multi-Platform Skills

Learn to present content across multiple channels including courses on social media, podcasting, video and more.

Specialist Skills

Enhance your knowledge in specialist areas including investigations, sport, the Royal Family, politics and more.

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