NCTJ Diploma in Journalism – Magazine and Digital – Sheffield College

This is a 35-week part-time professional course designed to lead you directly into employment in journalism.

This course specialises in practical skills, including magazine, digital and video journalism, and is an excellent alternative to university for students who would prefer to take a professional route into a media career.

The qualification is taught through a combination of lectures and hands-on practical experience, at The Sheffield College’s Hillsborough Campus. It is a part-time course, requiring a commitment of 2.5 days a week in college.

We have excellent contacts with editors and newsrooms across the UK.

You will also take part in at least two work experience placements throughout the programme, giving you the chance to showcase your newly learnt skills and knowledge.

NCTJ elective modules offered:

  • Videojournalism for digital platforms
  • Journalism for a digital audience
  • Practical magazine journalism
  • Editing skills for journalists

Please note, this course will be running from September 2024.

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