Dreams of becoming a magazine journalist

Choosing to pursue a career in journalism at a time when the job market is bleak could seem like an unwelcoming challenge. For me, it was a challenge I was ready to take on. After three years studying a BA in Journalism at Kingston University, I wanted to go on and study magazine journalism.

By Shabana Adam, bursary recipient 2011-2012
Choosing to pursue a career in journalism at a time when the job market is bleak could seem like an unwelcoming challenge. For me, it was a challenge I was ready to take on. After three years studying a BA in Journalism at Kingston University, I wanted to go on and study magazine journalism.

I had always enjoyed researching, interviewing and writing features and after working as the editor on a group magazine project at university, I was convinced that this was the career I wanted. This led me to apply for an MA in Magazine Journalism at the University of Central Lancashire. However, I didn’t have thousands of pounds to pay for the course and was sure that I would have to reject the offer of a place.

Thanks to an encouraging lecturer, I applied to the Journalism Diversity Fund. A week after an interview with an expert judging panel I was told I had been successful and would receive a bursary. I received a contribution towards my course fees and have been receiving help towards travel costs and course material.

Thanks to the fund I am now in my second semester of the MA course. It’s demanding, intensive and hands down the most difficult year of study of my academic life, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m having a great time getting to know and work with talented people, as well as producing magazines, learning new digital skills and meeting inspirational guest speakers from within the industry.

Without the Journalism Diversity Fund there is no way I would have been able to take this crucial step towards what I hope will be a successful career in journalism. I am already building on the endless skills I acquired at Kingston University and I hope to finish my MA equipped with more than just the fundamental tools required to be a professional journalist.

I will continue to show enthusiasm, commitment and 100 per cent dedication on the last few months of the course. To the Journalism Diversity Fund I would like to say thank you for awarding me this bursary and deciding to invest in my future – for that I am forever grateful.

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