NCTJ launches campaign to promote accredited journalism courses

The NCTJ is investing in its most extensive promotional campaign yet to promote NCTJ-accredited courses to potential students and careers advisers.

The NCTJ is investing in its most extensive promotional campaign yet to promote NCTJ-accredited courses to potential students and careers advisers.

Rolling out over the next six months, the online and mobile campaign has been planned  following extensive market research including the results of an online poll that asked students how and where they look for careers advice, comparative website analytics research, as well as feedback from those running accredited courses.

The NCTJ will be using popular careers websites and smartphone apps to reach those unfamiliar with the industry to promote its courses, and ads have been carefully timed for when students are most likely to research career options.

The promotional campaign has been designed to target careers advisers and students interested in undergraduate, postgraduate, further education, apprenticeship and independent provider courses. At the end of the campaign, which runs until mid-2014, the analytics will be reviewed to determine the success of the campaign.

Joanne Butcher, NCTJ chief executive, said: “Many young people complete expensive courses and pass bogus qualifications that don’t provide them with the vocational skills they need to get jobs, or qualifications that editors trust. The problem is being compounded by higher tuition fees and poor careers advice.

“We want to support the centres that deliver high-quality accredited journalism courses, and give those interested in journalism careers access to reliable information so they are better placed to make an informed decision about their training options.”

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