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Patron blog: The B word

"Bother, blast, blimey. I wasn't going to mention the B word but, to be honest, there is no getting away from it. Bugger."

My apprenticeship story: Sam Dixon-French, JPI Media

"Starting a journalism apprenticeship was one of the best decisions I ever made. It’s hard work and throws you in at the deep end but it is immensely rewarding. A buzzing newsroom full of reporters and editors is a hive of activity and an invaluable resource for a new journalist."

Cardiff University students report on NCTJ’s annual signature event

Journalism Diversity Fund bursary recipients Ben Bostock and Katey Pigden, both studying at Cardiff University, were invited to report on the this year’s Journalism Skills Conference in Cardiff on 2 and 3 December. The National Council for the Training of Journalists’ showpiece event brought together decision makers in journalism’s education, training and industry sectors. It […]

The Journalism Diversity Fund needs you!

According to the BBC Lab UK survey published in April, Britain is far from a classless society: instead of the previously assumed three social classes, there are apparently now seven.

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