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Kick-off for sports journalism distance learning course

Sports journalism is a dynamic and popular field of expertise, where passions for all kinds of sport and journalism unite. Competition for work is fierce and often, an amount of ingenuity and luck are required to get started.

Part-time multimedia journalism diploma – News Associates Manchester

Our unique approach to part-time training means you don’t have to put everything on hold to complete the essential NCTJ qualification. We understand your studies have to fit in around demanding work, earning an income, family commitments, and perhaps even having a social life. Our flexible approach makes this possible, with lessons on one weekday […]

My apprenticeship story – Zinny Boswell, Sky Sports News

"I have spent the last two years as an apprentice journalist at Sky Sports News and upon completion of the course I was handed a full-time job at the company. I am now a multi-platform producer, which entails producing video and written content for digital platforms, as well as creating news bulletins for various clients around the world, including Sky News."

NCTJ Chairman’s Award honours public affairs guru

David Kett, senior examiner for the NCTJ and member of the public affairs board, has been honoured with the 2013 NCTJ Chairman’s Award for his outstanding contribution to journalism training and education.

My apprenticeship story – JP Asher, Archant

"I was very fortunate to secure a place as an apprentice with my hometown paper, The Comet, within days of returning to the UK in September 2015 after living abroad for some years."

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