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MA Journalism – Oxford Brookes University

This course will equip you with professional skills in journalism and authorship. You’ll cover topics from news and non-fiction to brands and content. You will develop skills in digital and multi-platform journalism and authorship. And you’ll study the changing models of journalism including: branded content not-for-profit journalism big data scraping social media crowdsourcing. You’ll have […]

BA Journalism Studies – University of Sheffield

Good journalists need traditional skills like spotting big stories and excellent newswriting – and digital skills like video editing and social media. With decades of journalistic experience themselves, our expert staff teach all these techniques superbly. You’ll practise journalism for real, covering your own patch in the city. You could be on location filming for […]

How the JDF and its mentoring scheme has helped me

I’ve entertained the idea of being a journalist since secondary school but, distracted by visions of being a graphic designer, working in publishing or becoming a lecturer, I didn’t settle properly on a career in journalism until the latter end of my undergraduate degree.

The NCTJ in Sri Lanka

In our latest blog, chief executive, Joanne Butcher, explains how the NCTJ is working with the media in Sri Lanka.

Artificial Intelligence in Journalism

The NCTJ's Artificial Intelligence in Journalism event is for journalists and journalism trainers who are keen to take advantage of the opportunities provided by generative AI but are also mindful about the implications to trusted journalism and quality standards.

Sky News exhibition

Sky News is hosting a month long exhibition in association with Somerset House early next year that will take a look at three of the major stories of 2011; the Arab Spring, the Libyan conflict, and the London riots.

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