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Journalists at Work 2024

The NCTJ is inviting all UK journalists to shine a light on what it means to be a journalist in 2024 by taking part in invaluable industry research. The 15-minute survey, accessible online, is not only an insight into journalists’ experiences across the different media sectors and across the four nations, but an exploration of […]

High praise for July NQJ award winners

With a record-high pass rate for the July NQJ, chief examiner Steve Nelson has described the award winners as exceptional, describing their work as ‘impressive’, ‘compelling’ and ‘engaging’.

Record-breaking NQJ result for Westmorland Gazette reporter

Newly-qualified senior reporter Katie Dickinson of the Westmorland Gazette has set a new record for the highest mark in the National Qualification in Journalism (NQJ) media law and practice paper, achieving 91 per cent. She was one of four NQJ candidates who won awards for exceptional performance in the March NQJ.

Diploma – essential media law exam refresher

Please note: price excludes VAT Prior to attending, you will be sent a sample exam paper to complete and return to the tutor by a given deadline. The tutor will mark the paper and go through areas of difficulty at the workshop. You will also be asked to submit your top five areas of concern within that topic area so the tutor can identify common threads to work into the programme for the day.

Diploma – essential journalism exam refresher

Please note: price excludes VAT Following the session, you will be sent a sample exam paper to complete and return to the tutor by a given deadline. The tutor will mark the paper and provide you with written feedback.

Two awards for Westmorland Gazette journalist

Hannah Upton of the Westmorland Gazette is celebrating today after not only passing her National Certificate Examination to become a senior journalist, but also winning two awards for her outstanding performance in the exams.

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