Leadership for journalists

Introducing a training programme which aims to develop journalists and strengthen the quality of leadership across the industry.

The NCTJ’s leadership programme is created by journalists for journalists, taking widely-used leadership principles and theory and applying them to a content-driven environment.

It is aimed at supporting early-career and established leaders and reflecting the unique day-to-day challenges within a busy, deadline-driven media organisation.

The programme provides learning on essential tools to juggle those challenges and will shine a spotlight on many different complex subjects – from diversity and inclusion to workplace wellbeing to motivating and developing the team.

The leadership training is delivered in a variety of ways through the NCTJ’s Journalism Skills Academy:

  • Join virtual leadership training in ‘masterclass’ and ‘lunch and learn’ formats focusing on a range of topics
  • Enrol on the NCTJ’s Level 7 Leadership and Management for Journalists qualification via distance learning
  • Partner with the NCTJ’s Journalism Skills Academy to deliver bespoke in-house leadership training for your team

Click on the sections below or Contact us for more information

Short virtual leadership training sessions

Join our bite-sized lunch and learn sessions and more in-depth masterclasses to upskill in a wide range of topics including people management and strategy.

NCTJ Level 7 Leadership and Management for Journalists qualification

Learn essential leadership skills and knowledge to succeed as an editorial leader while gaining a level 7 qualification.

Bespoke leadership training courses

The NCTJ's Journalism Skills Academy works with a range of clients to create in-house leadership courses to meet the needs of your team.


It was great to attend the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) lunch and learn session on Imposter syndrome to find out more about how it can impact us at work. The workshop was a glimpse into what we could do to recognise our own feelings and support those around us. It provided tips and tricks that I’ll be sharing with my team.
– Tank PR

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